MAQ World of Softness
Project Scope
UI Design, Game Design, Development, Paid Media and Content Creation
About the Project
We designed, developed and executed a branded gamification campaign called World Of Softness for MAQ Homecare. The game promoted MAQ’s Silk Fabric Conditioner in a fun, interactive way and users were incentivised to play multiple times with weekly prizes.
Among creating product awareness, catering to a wide audience and incentivising multiple gameplays, World of Softness also achieved the following results:
- Total Campaign Reach: 1,255,935
- Total Gameplays: 138,112
- Total Unique Registrations: 4,769
- Avergae Gameplays per User: 29
- Decrease in Bounce Rate: 37%
- Increase in Time Spent on Site: 177.98%
Case Study Video
You can watch the full case study video here.